I assume that Brandi Hicks isn't the only person on the internet who is interested in double dildos (ass to ass or otherwise), but, I must admit, I hadn't tried it myself until after I heard about this particular "internet fail"
Let me tell you, many of my lesbian partners thoroughly thank Brandi for her contribution. (I haven't, as of yet, tried this with any of my more open minded male partners)
There are, however, several pitfalls I should warn you about.
1) Don't get a cheap one. Seriously. Nobody wants that painful-as-it-is-awkward trip to the emergency room.
2) If you are looking for anal specific, the orgasms tend to be incredibly intense as well as emotionally charged - as a result, I highly recommend that the dildo be smooth vs veined.
I mention this as partners of mine tend to thrash about, especially during anal orgasm, and, sometimes the veins can be abrasive enough that they can take away from my own pleasure.
However, if you are going to be sticking strictly to vaginal, or, your partner doesn't mind finishing you with their tongue (and/or the dildo) then
the veined ones
are, in my opinion, sexier looking. (they come in
, and
3) Longer is not always better. Yes, some girls are greedy little anal whores and hog the whole thing, but, I love the extra "added incentive" of getting our naughty bits to touch.
The best is when I close my eyes, or blindfold my partner, so that neither of us knows how deep we'll need to go... Slowly sliding deeper and deeper, until first our cheeks touch, and then...
...ahem, well, anyway, as I was saying, longer is not always better. 12" seems to be about right.
So, make sure your double dildo is smooth, to allow for violently screaming, thrashing orgasms, and short enough to allow for erotic goal setting ;-)
Bonus, it makes an excellent ass spanker too, for role playing.
(If you put it in the freezer, it'd probably make a fairly decent murder weapon as well.)
With an endorsement like that, who could possibly resist such a treat?
If you're looking for a... instructional guide on double dildo use,
this vid
has some sexy scenes ;-)