This is surprisingly difficult - especially if you are in a stage of your budding relationship where you are reluctant to use your mouth or breasts to help facilitate this shockingly difficult task.
I consider myself a fantastic lover, and my oral skills are amazing, but, I will admit, handjobs have always intimidated me. What do you do? When? How hard? A lot of questions come to mind which are difficult to... put a finger on.
How to Touch the Penis for Prolonged Arousal & Powerful Orgasms
is, even for one experienced as I, a must buy. For $15 amazon will ship it do your door in discreet packaging. Nobody will know what is in the box, and, this step by step DVD will provide all the information you'll need.
Many people believe that pleasuring a man is easy, and, with experience, it can be. But, in the beginning, it can be a very daunting and intimidating task. This DVD should be handed out to highschool girls around the globe who are not wanting to go too far with their boys, but, still wanting to help them out and have a shared intimate moment with them.
Also, as a side note, I've heard of many females learning to pleasure themselves in a roundabout way from watching this video.
Very good, and worth a buy!
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(Yes Mistress! SPANK! Owie!)