Well, the results from our little test are in! Thanks so much to our readers who participated in the experiment and tried out
the weight loss product!
Review: IT WORKS!
"Like Amber, I was a little skeptical that it would just be another one of those diets where you starve yourself or eat nothing but chicken-feed for a month, but, I was not only pleasantly surprised with the diet itself, but also with the results! I'm looking forward to seeing this long-term, and I have high hopes based on the science they provide in the write ups!"
- Ashley 185 lbs down to 158 lbs in one month
Now, we'll still have to do a follow up in a few months, to see if the weight stays off (as 25lbs in 25 days is usually something that springs right back, but this website gives a money back guarantee that it won't, THUS the experiment!)
So, I'll write again in 3 months, again in 6, and again in a year to follow up and monitor the results.
But, for now: We endorse and approve, as the weight did, in fact, get lost in a very short period of time!